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Abbey School

Statutory Trust Information

Abbey School is one of 16 academies within Nexus Multi Academy Trust. Details of the trust can be found below:

Nexus Multi Academy Trust Head Office

300 Meadowhall Way


South Yorkshire


S9 1EA



Registered business address: Hilltop School, Larch Road, Maltby, Rotherham, England,  S66 8AZ,

Company number: 10075893  

Trade Union Facility Time Returns

 For Statutory Financial Information | Nexus Multi Academy Trust ( click the hyperlink. 

The Trust must publish annually a Gender Pay Gap report. The most recent report and previous year’s reports can be found here

The Trust must publish a statement on modern slavery and this can be found here.

For Trust information on annual audited accounts, annual report, register of interests for the accounting officer click here 

Register of interest for the accounting officer: Mr Warren Carratt